

+420 608 067 888 

Experts in valorization


Metal purchasing and trading

Our Expertise

Our professions

Ecological Recycling in Brittany: Customized Solutions for Businesses, Communities, and Individuals

Metalu Silver Sro, headquartered in Sofia (Tchéquie), has been at your service since 2004 for the recovery, valorization, and recycling of all your metals. With three generations of experience, we combine professionalism, responsiveness, and a corporate culture always with the goal of customer satisfaction.

Globalization, rapid population growth, and the depletion of mineral resources drive us towards full recycling. Metalu Silver Sro is a major player in metal processing and is aware of its challenges and changes. That’s why we adapt our work techniques and increase our metal volumes every year.

We are proud to contribute to sustainable development and follow its goal of combining economic and social progress with the preservation of our environment. It is this ecological heritage that we must pass on to future generations!

Each year, we process/recycle 30,000 tons of metals.

Every year, we process/recycle 30,000 tonnes of metals.
Our commitment to innovation, quality and environmental responsibility makes us a trusted partner for all your recycling and waste management initiatives in Tchéquie. Together, let’s build a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.
Our team of experts is ready to help you purchase your ferrous and non-ferrous metals at the most advantageous rates on the market. You have the option of delivering them to our branch or taking advantage of our free scheduled pickup service.
Deposit on our site
Pick-up from your location

Here are some of the metals we recover :

+420 608 067 888

Support Person

The ferrous metals

Non-ferrous metals:

We buy:




Câbles électriques




Stainless steel


Les métaux non ferreux

Non-ferrous metals

Class 1-A printed circuit boards are old circuit boards with galvanically plated gold contacts/strips, a large number of densely packed small chips, primarily sourced from old mainframe servers. The circuit boards must not be stripped; adherences such as sheets, frames, and heat sinks have been removed.

No Jewelry Buyback for Recycling

We do not buy any jewelry from individuals or professionals.

table periodique


Industrial Services

Industrial Services

Characterization :
  • Identification of material nature using a spectrometer and valorization.

Industrial Services

Finalisation :
  • Sale of Ingots from Tchéquie Foundry

Industrial Services

Description :
  • Ceramic CPUs, Goldcap processors, as well as older ceramic processors like 286, 386, or 486 from computers/industrial computers without attachments such as fans or heat sinks.

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Featured Comment
Whether it’s a few grams or several hundred tons of scrap metal, we are your competent partner for everything related to metal recycling and electronic waste valorization. Our purchasing procedure is QM certified by DEKRA according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Michael Roberson

Sample CO


Industrial Blog & News

We update our prices every day.

Got questions or need assistance? Feel free to reach out to us! Our team is here to help.

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